Sooo…yesterday I looked into whether or not Dickinson ever used the words “mammoth,” “dinosaur,” or “fossil” in any of her poems, and the answer is “NO” – she didn’t use any of those words in any of her poems; however, she did use the word “purple” in 55 different poems.
AND – even before I looked up the total number – I knew that Dickinson had used “purple” because one poem in particular popped into my head, “Success is counted sweetest.”
The line/stanza that immediately clicked with me is this: Not one of all the purple Host Who took the Flag today Can tell the definition So clear of victory TBH, once I ran the search on “purple” and I saw all the first lines, I thought to myself, “Oh yeah – that’s a popular one too,” including, “The hills erect their purple heads,” “We like March – his shoes are purple,” “A slash of Blue – a sweep of Gray,” “Dear March – come in,” “I’ll tell you how the sun rose,” and more! More on “Success is counted sweetest” tomorrow! THE DISCUSSION CONTINUES HERE. |