Well, let’s see – Dickinson never used the word “December” in any of her poems – so what to do, what to do?
Recent posts got me from “substitute” to “titanic” to “volcanoes,” “swans,” and “enchantment.” The recent poem about “enchantment” had the phrase “divine insanity” which reminded me of Dickinson’s poem “Much madness is divinest sense.”
Sooo…I checked out all of those words, “divine,” “insanity,” “madness,” “divinest,” and “sense.”
The word “insanity” was used just the one time, and “divine” appears in some 50 poems. “Divinest” was used in three poems, “madness” was used in eight, and “sense” in 14 poems.
Oh, I also checked the word “enchantment.” That word was used in 11 poems.
Sooo…again: What to do, what to do?
Well, I opened this post with utter disbelief that it’s now December – so instead of focusing one of those insane, mad, and/or divine leads, I thought I’d share a poem on the rapid passage of time, “Fly – fly – but as you fly.”
I’ll post more on this poem tomorrow.