DOPE Board of Directors
Ms. Qwerty Lee Dickinson
Washerst, PA Mr. Angstrom "Angst" Dickinson Washerst, PA Ms. Bonnie Barrow Chagrin Falls, OH Mr. Jarvis MacKinnon III Skidoo, CA |
Ms. Dorothy "Lottie" Dawe
Charlottesville, VA Mr. Philo Remington Ilion, NY Mr. Tobias Hugginkhist IV New York, NY Ms. Eudora Ruby Dickinson Niagra, NY |
Mr. Lemuel Stuart III
Washerst, PA Mr. Oliver Wendell Holmes VI Kittery, ME Mr. Neil Patrick Harris Bevery Hills, CA |
Emmett Lee Dickinson's BirthdayOn the weekend nearest to October 12th, DOPE sponsors the Emmett Lee Dickinson Birthday Celebration and Conference.
Click on the photograph at the right to enlarge it for details of 2012's conference -- which included Oprah Winfrey, Merl Reagle, Jackie Evancho, and more! Info on other past conferences are linked below. |
Deja Vu DaysDeja Vu Days in beautiful and historic Washerst, PA, began in 1959 when Jedreck Wasniewski, a descendant of one of Washerst's founders, began the two-weekend event to mark the 88th anniversary of the founding of the Dickinson Organization of Poetry Enthusiasts (DOPE).
In 1871, Dickinson scholars and devotees met in Washerst on two consecutive weekends in November (once on November 2nd, and then again on November 9th) to form the Dickinson Organization of Poetry Enthusiasts. Both meetings are shown in the two photographs on the right (the November 2, 1871 meeting is on the left; the November 9, 1871 meeting is on the right). To commemorate the two meetings, Wasniewski established Deja Vu Days -- and Washerstians have been celebrating the events every year since 1959. |
Click the buttons below to read all about past DOPE conferences. NOTE: Due to the outbreak of the Trump Virus in the United States, we have not held a conference since 2021 -- but who knows -- that could change in the future! We'll keep you posted when we're ready for another conference!
Please note: Since Melon Husk purchased Twitter and now allows for the proliferation of lies, neo-Nazi propaganda, and misinformation, we have deleted our accounts there. We are now on the social platform Counter Social where we publish daily posts about Emily Dickinson with the hashtag #DickinsonDaily.