APRIL 2021:
According to Best Poems Encyclopedia, here are the "Top 100 best and all time famous and most popular poems in English literature," HERE.
What do you think? Are there any poems you think are missing from the list? |
Another Top 100 list -- this one from Poetry Soup -- is HERE.
I glanced at the list from April 1 and tonight's list, and I believe I saw 13 poems that appear on both lists:
One other Top 100 list -- this one from Discover Poetry -- is HERE.
I compared the poems listed above (in the April 2nd entry) to see which ones of those also appear on this list (and therefore appear on all three lists): |
Now for something a little different: A list from Family Friend Poems of the 32 Most Popular Children's Poems -- HERE.
For today's entry, I ran a Google-search on "Best poems by African-American Poets," and lists did come up -- but no "Top 100" list. Not even close. All of the lists were like "10 Best Poems," "12 Best Poems," or even "the Top 20 poems by African-American poets" -- but no lists popped up with 25, 50 or 100 poems.
This list, "22 Revolutionary Poems by Black Poets," from TrueSelf.com caught my eye, HERE. How many of the poems and/or poets are you familiar with? |
InterestingLiterature.com has this list of "10 of the Best Poems to Recite and Read Aloud," HERE.
Last night I watched PBS's first installment of Ken Burns' new documentary "Hemingway," and I learned that in addition to fiction and non-fiction works, Hemingway also wrote poetry.
Check out "the best" of Hemingway's poetry HERE. Click the pic below to link to the PBS site on "Hemingway." |
PoemAnalysis.com says that these are the "10 Best (and Easiest) Poems to Analyze" --
HERE. To "explore all things Poetry" at PoemAnalysis.com, click the picture below: |
Are there lists of the 100 best haikus? I wondered -- so I ran a Google-search of "best haikus," and while I didn't find a list of the 100 best haikus, I did find this from readpoetry.com: "10 Vivid Haikus to Leave You Breathless" -- HERE.
APRIL 10 |
Well, I couldn't find a list of the 100 best haikus yesterday, but I did find a list of "100 Best Funny Poems and Limericks" from Best Poems Encyclopedia, HERE.
APRIL 11 |
Who are the greatest poets of all time?
Well, according to HubPages.com, a list of the "Top 100 Famous Poets of the World" is HERE. Take a look and see if you agree with their choices. Is your favorite poet on the list? |
APRIL 12 |
The entry above for April 11 is a list of Top 100 poets from HubPages.com.
Another list of the "Top 100 Poets of All Time" from PoetrySoup.com is HERE. So which poets appear on both lists? Well, before I answer that, I will say that when I compared the two lists, I found an issue with HubPages' list -- three names appear on their list twice: Tennyson, Pushkin, and Mayakovsky. Therefore, their list of 100 poets is really only 97 poets. Okay, so which poets appear on both lists? The names are below:
APRIL 13 |
Okay, so I found another "Top 100" list of the greatest poets of all time at Ranker.ocm -- HERE -- and in the case of this list, it looks like people vote on the poets, and the entries rise or fall according to the votes that are cast.
I happened to check the list on 4/12/21, and I compared it to the two lists above (for the April 11 and 12 entries). Actually, I checked the names that are shown above -- those poets who are on both of the previous Top 100 lists -- to see who made it onto all three lists -- and the results were VERY surprising. The ONLY five names that appeared on all three Top 100 lists (as of 4/12/21) were Bai, Issa, Hughes, Marvell, and Mayakovsky. Interestingly enough, the names of Angelou, Plath, and Shakespeare appear in the explanatory paragraph at the top of the Ranker.com page -- but on the night I checked, those three poets were NOT on Ranker's Top 100 list. Walt Whitman was also NOT on the Ranker list; however, his picture was showing at the top of the page (at least it was on 4/12/21). The poets below appeared on the Top 100 lists featured on the entries above for 4/11 and 4/12 above; however, they were NOT on the Ranker list (on the evening of 4/12/21):
*Yeats was NOT on the list; however, he was mentioned in the entry for George William Russell, who was in spot 100 on the night I checked the Ranker list. |
APRIL 14 |
From the blog of Mark Forsyth, check out the "Fifty Most Quoted Lines from Poetry," HERE.
SPOILER ALERT: Lines from Emily Dickinson's poetry appear twice on the list. |
APRIL 15 |
Yesterday I posted the "Fifty Most Quoted Lines from Poetry." That made me wonder -- what lines from poetry are most often misquoted?
I ran a search, and while I could not find any particular list of misquoted lines from poetry, I did find this from InterestingLiterature.com, "10 Famous Quote That Are Literary Misquotes" -- and many of them come from lines of poetry -- HERE. I found this list too, the "Top 10 Most Misunderstood Lines in Literary History," HERE -- and it's virtually all poetry. |
APRIL 16 |
I ran some searches on "the best contemporary poems," and this popped up -- "The Best Poetry of 2020" -- from the New York Times (HERE) -- but you might have to have an account in order to access the article. Therefore, I also found this list, HERE, "The New Yorker's Year in Poetry" for the year 2020.
APRIL 17 |
Well, this is interesting: I found two lists of "greatest poems" from the Romantic era: one, from Learnodo-Newtonic.com, is the "10 Most Famous Poems of the Romanticism Movement," HERE; the other, from HubPages.com, is entitled "15 Best Short Poems of the Romantic Era," HERE -- and this second list includes Emily Dickinson's "Because I could not stop for Death," and it lists the poem with the title "The Chariot."
APRIL 18 |
Yesterday we posted famous poems of the "Romanticism Movement." Today we have a list from BestLifeOnlne.com, "The 20 Best Romantic Love Poems of All Time" -- HERE.
APRIL 19 |
Are you familiar with "Poetry Out Loud"? Here's a bit of info from their website: "Poetry Out Loud is a national arts education program that encourages the study of great poetry by offering free educational materials and a dynamic recitation competition for high school students across the country.
To browse the list of poems included in their 20201 anthology, click HERE. The 2021 POL National Semifinals will take place on Sunday, May 2nd and the 2021 POL National Finals will take place on Thursday, May 27th. Both will be video submission-based competitions and will be streamed on arts.gov. |
APRIL 20 |
I found this interesting article from Bright Dreams Journal: 5 Obscure Poetry Forms You've Probably Never Heard Of But Should Try.
Check it out, HERE. Have you heard of any of them? |
APRIL 21 |
If you're interested in poetry centered on Civil Rights, the editors of the Poetry Foundation, have assembled quite a collection HERE.
APRIL 22 |
I started this feature, "The New Poetic Deal -- Part 3," with lists of "the best poems" -- see above for the entries dated April 1, 2, and 3.
That made me wonder -- are there lists of "the worst poems"? Well... I found this from "A Useful Fiction" -- HERE. And then I found this too -- HERE. There are other lists too -- just run a Google-search for "worst poems" or "top ten worst poems," etc. |
APRIL 23 |
From LitHub.com: "Read every presidential inauguration poem ever performed (there are fewer than you think)." HERE
APRIL 25 |
Last year was certainly a year of protest due to the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, Daniel Prude, Elijah Ellis, and many other African-Americans at the hands of the police -- and protests continue now for the deaths of Ma'Khia Bryant, Andrew Brown Jr., and others.
In the spirit of protest, I found "23 Resistance Poems to Express Your Rage," posted by BookRiot.com, HERE. |
APRIL 26 |
I've always heard about "Christmas in July," so why not "Halloween in April"?
In honor of Halloween in April, I've found "10 of the Scariest Poems" from PoemAnalysis.com -- HERE. |
APRIL 27 |
Well, here's something strange: "The 10 Strangest Poetry Books of the Last 100 Years," from AirshipDaily.com -- HERE
APRIL 28 |
I wondered if some blogger and/or organization had a list of the "Top 100 Greatest Metaphors of ALL Time." Well -- not exactly -- but I did find this ReadsyBlog: "The Essential List of 90+ Metaphor Examples in Literature and Pop Culture" -- HERE.
APRIL 29 |
On April 20th, I posted a list of " 5 Obscure Poetry Forms," and today I found this from WritersDigest.com: "List of 168 Poetic Forms for Poets" -- HERE.
APRIL 30 |
To close out Poetry Month, here's a list I found on the Discovery Blog at Reedsy.com: 60+ Best Poetry Books of All Time -- HERE -- and take a look who's in the number one spot!
Woo hoo! |