Quarantine or not -- COVID-19 or not -- National Laundry Day is still National Laundry Day! Once again, Donald Trump is the poster child (literally this year) and the spokesman for NLD, and once again,
Trump came up with this year's theme: "Don't Worry Folks -- It Will All Wash Through!"
Trump came up with this year's theme: "Don't Worry Folks -- It Will All Wash Through!"
Donald Trump, the spokesperson for 2019's National Laundry Day,
came up with the theme: "Be sure to keep your whites separate!"
From 2018's National Laundry Day, when the theme was
"Let's get the kids to do the laundry!"
The National Debt is now over $21,120,516,214,632.00*
and Trump & the GOP are spending like drunken sailors on leave. Therefore, the theme for this year's National Laundry Day is "Let's let the kids do the laundry!" *UPDATE: The National debt for the first time passed $22 trillion in February 2019. Scary stuff . The filthy rich are getting filthier, and National Laundry Day can't help clean up that mess.
The 21-trillion dollar national debt and this year's NLD theme, "Let's get the kids to do the laundry," calls to mind Emmett Lee Dickinson's now-classic poem "Said Debt to Reason" (below on the left). Dickinson's poem inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem "Said Death to Passion" (below on the right).
By Emmett Lee Dickinson:
Said Debt to Reason "Give of thine a Trillion unto me." Said Reason, through contracting Breaths "A Trillion Times Thee Nay." Robbed Debt from Peter To pay Paul He – slimy as an Eel Situated in the West Wing And then Debt signed the deal. |
By Emily Dickinson:
Said Death to Passion "Give of thine an Acre unto me." Said Passion, through contracting Breaths "A Thousand Times Thee Nay." Bore Death from Passion All His East He – sovereign as the Sun Resituated in the West And the Debate was done. |
National Laundry Day is always LOADS of FUN!
The word "laundry" derives from the word "laundered," which comes from two Welsh terms: "Lloon," meaning "loon" (or "eccentric crazy lunatic") + "dyrte," meaning "dirt" (or "filthy soil").
For centuries, the Welsh affectionately called the English "Lloon dyrtes," and in English, the word morphed into "laundered."
In the mid-1800s, Emmett Lee Dickinson established April 15th as National Laundry Day. Dickinson had invented the laundry basket on wheels, and wherever he went, he urged others to join his crusade for national cleanliness. Pictured at the left: Revelers enjoy one of the first observances of National Laundry Day. A particular delight for children on early National Laundry Days was when they got to turn the crank on the wringer. |
Pictured above: Senator Ralph Cresewyk Maytag
from Washerst, Pennsylvania |
Pictured below: Vintage NLD advertisements from 1953, 1958, and 1964.
Washerst, Pennsylvania: The Cleaning Capital of the World
Washerst, PA, the home to Emmett Lee Dickinson (Emily Dickinson's third cousin, twice removed -- at her request) is often referred to as the "cleaning capital of the world." Washerst is home to the internationally famous Washerst Dry Cleaning Academy and the International Institute of Laundry and Ironing Sciences.
More past adverts for National Laundry Day: