Less than two weeks ago, the magnanimous Donald Trump welcomed a bipartisan gathering of lawmakers by proclaiming that he wanted a “bill of love” to solve the issue with the DACA dreamers.
That sure didn’t last long.
Soon after Trump’s lovey-dovey smooch-fest, Senators Durbin and Graham showed up at the White House with the draft of a bipartisan solution; however, some of the “very fine people” on Trump’s staff and in the GOP who favor white supremacy were there to shut their work down. Trump exploded in a tirade and declared he wanted no more immigrants from “shithole countries.” No, he and his clan only wanted white émigrés from European countries like Norway. Later, Mitch McConnell pitted health care for children against the dreamers – “pick one,” he demanded of Democrats. Plus, the GOP literally weaponized the Children's Health Insurance Program, stating out loud that is was nothing but a bargaining chip in the nasty politics leading to the “Trump shutdown.” In the meantime, Trump continued to stoop lower and lower with absurdist and racist-based Willy-Horton-type declarations stating, for example, that democrats are “complicit” in all murders by illegal immigrants (fortunately, Trump’s family and followers don’t know what “complicit” means, so that bigoted comment is probably lost on them). |
This, from a man who proclaims that he is a “great unifier." This, from the man who said he "absolutely" would be a force for bipartisanship. This, from the man who said he was “the least racist person” ever.
It is abundantly clear that Trump and GOP are not "America First.” No, they are "White America First" as they attempt to “select their own Society" as noted in a visionary poem by Emmett Lee Dickinson (Emily Dickinson's third cousin, twice removed -- at her request). Dickinson's poem (below on the left) inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem "The Soul selects her own Society" (below on the right).
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: The GOP selects their own Society – Then – shuts the Door – To their “divine” Majority – They take no more – Unmoved – they note their Spurious – causes – To their low base – Unmoved – their Emperor keeps tweeting Lies just in Case – Dishonor – for our ample nation – And Pain – They -- chose the Value of distraction – For Gain – | By Emily Dickinson: The Soul selects her own Society – Then – shuts the Door – To her divine Majority – Present no more – Unmoved – she notes the Chariots – pausing – At her low Gate -- Unmoved — an Emperor be kneeling Upon her Mat -- I've known her – from an ample nation – Choose One – Then – close the Valves of her attention – Like Stone – |