My post below is highly unusual. This is the first time EVER that I have included an entire twitter thread from a single individual. In the past, I have included tweets from others here an there, but never an entire thread -- but what Steve Schmidt tweeted today MUST be read in its entirety by as many people as possible.
Trump's presidency has been nothing but a disaster from the start; however, his failure as a leader during a true world-wide crisis has been truly catastrophic. His response to COVID-19 has been nothing but denial, delay, deceit, and dysfunction. First he called the virus a "hoax." Then he said that it would all go away, "like a miracle." Now he's trying to paint an absurd picture that -- after 80,000-plus deaths (and rising) -- "we have prevailed." This is Trump's pathetic "Mission Accomplished" moment, a sad reminder that his incompetence is killing more and more Americans. [NOTE: With just 4.3% of the world's population, the US is now the epicenter of the pandemic with 33% of all cases and 28.5% of all deaths.] In a highly risky push to reopen the economy, Trump -- a.k.a. Cap'n Bonespurs -- is now trying to convince us that we are all warriors in the battle and that we must be willing to die to feed his greed (and to guarantee his re-election). “We have to be warriors," he grumbled. "We can’t keep our country closed down for years.” Of course, in the meantime, HE is tested every day, and EVERYONE who comes in contact with him must be tested (now that the White House has become a COVID hot spot) -- while the rest of America waits and waits and waits for a national testing program. Below: A vintage poster for D. W. Griffith's spectacle "The Death of a Nation" (soon to be aired on TCM). The Trump response to this global pandemic has been SICKENING -- figuratively and literally. His lies, his incompetence, his hubris, his lack of leadership and a national response, his absence of empathy, his dysfunction -- all of this has called to mind two short poems by Emmett Lee Dickinson (Emily Dickinson's third cousin, twice removed -- at her request), "So, take your risk" and "Death warrants aren't supposed to be" (below on the left). His poems inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poems "Soul, take thy risk" and "Death warrants are supposed to be" (below on the right). |
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: So, take your risk With Death to be We’re better with you out, not me | By Emily Dickinson: Soul, take thy risk. With Death to be Were better than be not with thee |
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: Death warrants aren’t supposed to be An enginery of remedy A terminal mistake A quick fix from an Idle Hand A Devotee of his consigned To Intermix or Squawk | By Emily Dickinson: Death warrants are supposed to be An enginery of equity A merciful mistake A pencil in an Idol's Hand A Devotee has oft consigned To Crucifix or Block |