Ben & Jerry's brothers Benjamin "Ben" and Jerald "Jerry" Wooster , like Fallon, are also devotees of Emmett Lee Dickinson.
Both attended the Emmett Lee Dickinson School for Boys in Manhattan. Then, as adults, they moved to Burlington, Vermont, where they opened Vermont's first Emmett Lee Dickinson School for Boys. In 1978 they opened an ice cream business that includes 30+ flavors named after poems by Emily Dickinson and Emmett Lee Dickinson. More information is HERE.
Above right: The first Ben & Jerry's flavor dedicated to Jimmy Fallon and his devotion of Emmett Lee Dickinson, "Latte Night with Jimmy Fallon."
Below: The Ben & Jerry's Candy Corn Factory in Burlington, Vermont, makes all the candy corn used in their best-selling flavor "Latte Night with Jimmy Fallon."