Two days after the murder of Maxie Hyll, Emily Dickinson wrote the poem “Because I could not stop for Death.”
Nothing from the investigation into Dr. Hyll’s death and nothing from any and all examinations of the case since that time suggests that Emily Dickinson had anything to do with the homicide. However, studies do reveal that the Dickinson family was deeply entrenched in the vicious traditions of “publish or perish” and the rise to power of the Five Families in the publishing industry.
Throughout the month of July 2014, the Emmett Lee Dickinson Museum (above the coin-op Laundromat on Dickinson Boulevard) hosted a special exhibit on the history of “Publish or Perish,” thanks in great part to Jim Asher, the world’s leading authority on Emmett Lee Dickinson (Emily Dickinson’s third cousin, twice removed – at her request) and the webmaster and Chief Global Implementation and Infrastructure Coordinator for the museum.
However, Asher’s in-depth study of the horrifying customs and practices associated with “publish or perish” was met with aggressive and frightening communications from the publishing “families.” As a result, Jim Asher has now had to enter the United States Federal Witness Protection Program.
The transition into the FWPP will not be easy for Mr. Asher as he is George Clooney's doppelganger. As he likes to put it, "I don't look like George Clooney. George Clooney looks like me."
Of course, we stand by our research and thorough examination of the brutalities of "Publish or Perish" in the world of academia. Everything we have posted is the truth, but it is information that the powerhouses of publishing do not want the public to know. Still, we will persevere in these anxious times and continue to publish the truth -- and through it all we will strive to live our lives as normally as possible.