Once on the site, run a word-search on “Dickinson,” and you’ll find 29 different items on Emily Dickinson.
Here’s one interesting item from the 16th century with a reference to Dickinson embedded within it:
“1587 — Mary, Queen of Scots, is executed at Fotheringhay Castle on charges of treason. Sir Walter Raleigh is appointed captain of the Queen's guard. The birth of the English poet Lady Mary Wroth; she was born Mary Sidney and was the niece of Sir Philip Sidney and Mary Sidney Herbert. Christopher Marlowe's Tamburlaine and perhaps Dido, Queen of Carthage are first performed. According to Harold Bloom, thus begins the "richest eighty years of poetry in English" with Marlowe, Shakespeare, Spenser, Raleigh, Donne, Jonson, Herrick, Carew, Lovelace, Marvell, Herbert, Crashaw, Vaughan and Milton all writing and/or being published within that period. (We, however, would suggest 1880-1960 with Whitman, Dickinson, Longfellow, Tennyson, both Brownings, Hardy, Hopkins, Housman, Yeats, Dowson, both Cranes, Frost, Sandburg, Stevens, Lawrence, Pound, Wylie, Jeffers, Eliot, Aiken, MacLeish, Millay, Owen, cummings, Bogan, Hughes, Auden, Bishop, Lowell, Larkin, Plath, et al!)"
In addition to the chronology, the site also includes this:
"Our top ten poets of the Victorian Era: Anne Reeve Aldrich, Oscar Wilde, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Matthew Arnold, Edgar Allan Poe, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Robert Browning, Alfred Tennyson, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman"
The link is HERE.