In truth, Grand Wizard Trump's MAGAts are really nothing more than counterfeit Christians, bigots who support Grand Wizard Trump's white supremacy. The GOP's Ku Klux Kult.
The level of support the Grand Wizard has is rather frightening. I knew we had racist people in our country, but not to this extent. Trump does nothing but divide our county by peddling fear, and his confederacy of dunces fall for it -- and even cheer for it -- every time.
Well, I've gotten myself off track. I really started this post to publish some pictures of the smallest church in America. We drove by it in Georgia on our way to a national wildlife refuge, so I stopped to take some pics. I supposed I'm not too far off track -- because a pint-sized empty church can certainly stand as metaphor for the hollow beliefs and stunted faith of those who view Grand Wizard Trump as their savior.
By Emily Dickinson: Some keep the Sabbath going to Church – I keep it, staying at Home – With a Bobolink for a Chorister – And an Orchard, for a Dome – Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice – I just wear my Wings – And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church, Our little Sexton – sings. God preaches, a noted Clergyman – And the sermon is never long, So instead of getting to Heaven, at last – I'm going, all along. |
I love Dickinson's poem about how she keeps the Sabbath -- by staying at home "With a Bobolink for a Chorister -- And an Orchard, for a Dome." Without entering a church, I am certain Dickinson had deeper devotion than the fake Christians who take up space in empty church pews and worship a grifter who spews nothing but hate. I off track again? Maybe -- so I'll shift my discourse to two quotes which Dickinson's poem calls to mind -- one from the character named Amy Farrah Fowler on the sitcom "The Big Bang Theory": "I don't object to the concept of a deity, but I am baffled by the notion of one who takes attendance" -- and the other by architect Frank Lloyd Wright: "I believe in God, only I spell it NATURE."