Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, the annual Scripps National Spelling Bee was cancelled this year.
In honor of the cancelled Bee, I have posted two versions of Emmett Lee Dickinson's poem "After a hundred words" below on the left. The first version was written in 1853; the second is from 1862. Dickinson's poem inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem "After a hundred years," below on the right.
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: Version 1 (1853): After a hundred words Nobody knows them All Agony’s enacted for some Motioned off by Bells Words triumphant ranged Children spelled and stressed For the one: “Orthography” For another: “cheiropompholyx” Words are battlefields Checked along the way – Etymology’s the Key Stored in memory – By Emmett Lee Dickinson: Version 2 (1862): After a hundred words Everyone knows their Place Agony was enacted here Spellbinding at Best Words triumphant ranged Students strained and spelled At the Orthography Bee As the Losers Fell Terms as Battle Fields Recollect the way – I ere E ’cept after C Helped with memory – | By Emily Dickinson: After a hundred years Nobody knows the Place Agony that enacted there Motionless as Peace Weeds triumphant ranged Strangers strolled and spelled At the lone Orthography Of the Elder Dead Winds of Summer Fields Recollect the way – Instinct picking up the Key Dropped by memory – |
Prior to the cancellation of the national Bee, I attended a regional Bee, and here are a few notes about how some of it went:
* Honor was the first word (and spelled correctly).
* Bookkeeper was the second word -- and the first missed by one of the spellers. She left out a "k."
* Telephone took out a speller -- he said "t e l O p h o n e."
* Scorpion was missed -- she ended it with "i A n."
* Oops -- the next casualty was for "Larva." He inverted the "v" and the "r."
* Podium and Bedlam were both misspelled -- but I didn't quite catch how the kids spelled them.
* Ceiling was misspelled as "S e i l i n g."
* Surprise, surprise -- raspberry was spelled correctly! I thought that "p" might bring the speller down!
* Gorgon was spelled correctly. I thought he might say "g o r g A n."
* The next speller stumbled on stubble -- she used only one "b."
* Enviable took the speller down -- she started the word with an "I."
* Bassoon was spelled with only one "s."
* Dystopia took down a speller who started the word with "d i s."
* A later speller omitted the "a" from "carriage."
* The next word was "bolide." What? What the heck is a "bolide"? I had to look it up. It's "an extremely bright meteor."
The kid got it right.
* Turmoil was misspelled. The student started with "t e r."
* Mugwump was spelled correctly.
* Vivacious was missed. The student spelled it as "v i v a t i o u s."
* The next speller missed "shiatsu." He forgot the "h."
* Lanai was spelled correctly, as was "divvy."
* A later speller missed "aubergine." She started the word with an "O."
* Resiliency was the winning word.