Cuthbert J. Twillie, the Chief Interactional Developer and Legacy Mobility Director for the North American Association of Bone Spur Sufferers, announced today new recommendations for “do’s and don’ts” for people afflicted with painful bone spurs.
Twillie descended the escalator at Trump Tower in New York City to kick off an event honoring National Bone Spur Survivors Day, and he made the announcement that bone spur sufferers and survivors have waited years to hear.
Below: Cuthbert J. Twillie descends the escalator at Trump Tower to launch an event for National Bone Spur Survivors Day.
“The NAABSS has published an updated list,” said Twillie, “of the top ten things people with bone spurs can do as well as the top ten things they should avoid.”
Actors hired by the firm that hired actors to cheer the launch of Donald Trump's campaign applauded wildly after Twillie’s pronouncement.