Today is National Pet Day, a day established in 1878 by Emmett Lee Dickinson in honor of his dog Monte. Dickinson came up with the idea for a national day in honor of pets after he wrote his now-classic poem "Some Days rise above the rest" (below on the left). Dickinson's poem also inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem "Some Days retired from the rest" (below on the right).
Of course Dickinson's poem was an immediate favorite of all of the Dickinsons, bcause one thing alll of the relatives shared was a love of their pets. Emily Dickinson loved her dog Carlo, Lavinia Dickinson adored her fox Gambler, and Austin Dickinson cherished his bear Motya the Bear.
Pictured below, left to right: Emmett Lee Dickinson's beloved dog, Monte; a Newfoundland, the type of dog owned by Emily Dickinson; Lavinia Dickinson and her fox Gambler; Austin Dickinson and his dearly loved bear, Motya the Bear. Click the images to enlarge.
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: Some Days rise above the rest In some distinction held The Day that our Companions’re praised Our pets unparalleled | By Emily Dickinson: Some Days retired from the rest In soft distinction lie The Day that a Companion came Or was obliged to die |