Remember when the GOP used to claim a monopoly on family values? Those days are l - o - n - g gone. Of course, the family value crusade was all a charade so it is no surprise that the GOP response to Donald Trump’s recent racist rhetoric has been tepid (at best).
Trump and the GOP have tossed out the dog whistles. Now they’ve brought out the bull horns.
Trump tells four congresswomen of color to ‘go back’ to their countries? This is classic racist lingo – the hallmark of the white supremacist.
And the GOP response? **insert crickets chirping ** All of this calls to mind Emmett Lee Dickinson's now-classic poem "The words the racists say" (below on the left). Dickinson's poem inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem "The words the happy say" (below on the right). | |
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: The words the racists say Are putrid calumny But those who silent stay Are horrible – | By Emily Dickinson: The words the happy say Are paltry melody But those the silent feel Are beautiful – |
Below: Donald Trump addresses the press about his racist comments.