Mr. Miller is a little dumbfounded since Trump can’t seem to recall who he is.
“I was Trump’s publicist for years,” said Miller, “and I helped him develop the Trump 11-step program for memory modification and retention”:
1. Review information immediately.
2. Repeat the information out loud.
3. Repeat the information even louder.
4. Scream the information (to the press, if possible).
5. Make up information if necessary.
6. Ridicule others if they accuse you of making up information.
7. Deny information that you don’t want to be true.
8. Ridicule others who call you out for denying what used to be true.
9. Make up names, dates and events if that helps with the recall of information.
10. Develop clever modifiers to help remember people’s names (like “crazy,” crooked,” “lyin,’” “goofy,” etc.).
11. Repeat as often as possible, "I have the best memory in the world."
John Miller recognized Trump's issues with faulty memories in the late 1980s, and he convinced Trump to open the Center for Memory Modification and Retention. The center is what gave Trump the idea to open Trump University.
Miller said he was inspired to approach Trump about opening the center because of his favorite poem by Emmett Lee Dickinson, "He flees from memory" (below on the left). Dickinson's poem also inspired his third cousin Emily to pen her poem "To flee from memory" (below on the right).
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: He flees from memory Like he had Wings Man would he fly Transferred to truthier things Words of surprise Spewed from the glowering Man Of recreating Facts the best he can | By Emily Dickinson: To flee from memory Had we the Wings Many would fly Inured to slower things Birds with surprise Would scan the cowering Van Of men escaping From the mind of man |