Well, we stand corrected! We mined our fact-finding research and investigative studies until we hit a weighty nugget -- Emmett Lee Dickinson's late 19th-century ode to something called a "Puppy Monkey Baby."
In the late 1800s, the Mountain Dew Soda Company introduced a marketing campaign they rolled out for a series of college football championship games. It included a mythical beast called the "Puppy Monkey Baby." The creature horrified the public, so the ad campaign was dropped just weeks after its inauguration. Now, in 2016, the company has resurrected the campaign -- so we'll see how long it lasts! |
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: Gnoshing and eatin’, watching TV, I saw Somebody’s little Puppy Monkey Boy He said his name – He lisped me “Kickstart” – Mountain Dew, does He belong to thee? Would it kickstart – to know I drank it – And His looks made me so afraid! I couldn’t watch – though I was trying – New Acquaintance – this Puppy Monkey Baby freak – | By Emily Dickinson: Trudging to Eden, looking backward, I met Somebody's little Boy Asked him his name – He lisped me "Trotwood" – Lady, did He belong to thee? Would it comfort – to know I met him – And that He didn't look afraid? I couldn't weep – for so many smiling New Acquaintance – this Baby made – |