Recently we posted our thoughts on the Golden Globes and Streepgate (Part 1 is HERE). We had more than usual feedback on the post, so we thought we’d add some final thoughts – and, of course, include another poem by Emmett Lee Dickinson (one we have posted before).
In a nutshell, in Part 1 we said that Donald Trump needed to man up, admit that he mocked a disabled reporter, and move on. Of course, an apology would be nice, but whatevs.
Trump supporters claimed that DJT was not mocking a disabled reporter. Instead, he was just “showing how a frustrated person would act.”
He mocked the reporter.
No, they said, he used the same bellowing sounds and erratic arm movements when, on two separate occasions, he showed how Ted Cruz and an army general acted when they were frustrated.
He mocked Ted Cruz and the Army general.
What is with this man that he has to mock people and cyber bully?
Why does he need to attack anyone and everyone with an alternative point-of-view (while he very hesitatingly "distances" himself from the KKK and neo-Nazis)?
Trump's supporters need to put on their big boy pants and big girl pants, march in to have a word with the boss, and tell him to stop. Enough is enough.
Does Kellyanne Conway have it within her character to tell him to stop? I don’t think so….
Um, Kellyanne, your man is on the high platform right now, and on January 20 he's set to dive Into the deep end of the pool – and I don't think it's going to be a flawless armstand back double-somersault with three and a half twists in the pike position.
Then you get tripe like this from Tomi Lahren:
Um, Tomi, I’ll just leave this right here:
And what was it exactly that elitist Meryl Streep said?
"This instinct to humiliate, when it’s modeled by someone in the public platform, by someone powerful, it filters down into everybody’s life, because it kinda gives permission for other people to do the same thing. Disrespect invites disrespect, violence incites violence. And when the powerful use their position to bully others we all lose."
How incredibly elitist is that, am I right?
Well, maybe Melania can help with the Donald's juvenile antics. Is she really going to start an anti-cyberbullying campaign – or is that more fake news from the GOP like pizzagate? If she’s going to follow through with that, then she needs to get her campaign up and running a.s.a.p. because her husband is off the charts. His behavior is just not normal.
If Trump does not change his ways, what will be the representation of his leadership? It won't be pretty, like Emmett Lee Dickinson's poem "That Hate is all they have" (below on the left). Dickinson's poem inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem "That Love is all there is" (below onthe right). So if Mr. Trump refuses to man up and admit that he mocked a disabled reporter (among many other people), and he continues to taunt, mock, and bully others, then maybe someone in Trump's inner circle can -- at the very least -- get him to read Emlly Dickinson's poem. Daily.
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: That Hate is all they have, And all they have is Hate; It's not okay, that hate should be Just how they make us great. | By Emily Dickinson: That Love is all there is, Is all we know of Love; It is enough, the freight should be Proportioned to the groove. |