I was in Chicago last week. Coincidentally, Imperial Grand Wizard Donald Trump was there too. I was on vacation visiting family. He was making an ass of himself at a conference of Black journalists.
I could not believe the inane, insensitive and racist remarks he made about Kamala Harris; however, I was not surprised. Not in the least. Trump is a loathsome toad (my apologies to toads). He's a convicted felon, an adjudicated rapist, a slimy conman, and a blatant racist -- just an all-around repugnant human being. Strike the word "human." He's a repugnant being. SHAME on anyone who supports him. UTTER SHAME. In response to his latest racist attacks, I have posted Emmett Lee Dickinson's poem "He went to speak that sleazy bunk" as one of our Featured Poems of the Week. Dickinson's poem inspired his third cousin to pen her poem "He went to sleep that drowsy route," our other Featured Poem. |
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: He went to speak that sleazy bunk To his inquiring Host -- On their stage to debate her race He smirked as he provoked -- | By Emily Dickinson: He went by sleep that drowsy route To the surmising inn -- At day break to begin his race Or ever to remain -- |