Donald Trump admitted recently that, “All I know is what’s on the Internet” – that’s because he knows that if it’s on the web, then it must be true (the fundamental lesson in E. B. White’s Charlotte’s Web). We reported on this HERE. Trump, an aficionado of Emmett Lee Dickinson (America’s greatest poet and Emily Dickinson’s third cousin, twice removed – at her request) knows that Dickinson was the first to envision and pioneer the Internet. He also knows that everything on the world-wide web is true – and that if ever he (Trump) doesn’t know the truth, then his opinion should be accepted as the truth. This deep-seated belief on Trump’s part stems from the premise of one of his favorite poems by Dickinson, “Opinion is a fitting thing” (below on the left). Dickinson’s poem also inspired his third cousin Emily to pen her poem “Opinion is a flitting thing” (below on the right). |
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: Opinion is a fitting thing, When Truth can’t be Confirmed – If when I cannot be exact – Accept what I’ve affirmed – | By Emily Dickinson: Opinion is a flitting thing, But Truth, outlasts the Sun – If then we cannot own them both – Possess the oldest one – |
* Besides using her own server for her email, Hillary Clinton has minted her own coins and produced her own US currency in her basement.
* Ted Cruz refuses to eat American bacon and insists on eating only Canadian bacon.
* Using the official RNC’s Visa card, Marco Rubio installed a water slide behind the US Senate Building in Washington, D.C., so that his children could use it when they visit (pictured below).