I didn’t get to see much of it, but I have heard plenty of news stories on the radio, and I’ve seen various recaps on this morning’s news shows. What an event! I saw this list on Twitter that summarized all that went on:
All of this brouhaha reminds me of Emmett Lee Dickinson’s now classic poem “Plagiarize, accost – and sunder,” a poem which described a similar uproar at the RNC convention in 1860 when the road to the White House was plagued with an ugly campaign: Reginald Remington Trump, a distant relative of Donald Trump's, tried to block the nomination of Abraham Lincoln, Emmett Lee Dickinson’s best friend.
Dickinson was outraged after the first night of the convention, and he wrote “Plagiarize, accost – and sunder “ (below on the left). His poem inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem, “So the eyes accost – and sunder” (below on the right).
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: Plagiarize, accost – and sunder With the Audience – Stumped – occasionally – forever – So much Dissonance Entertain – with our addressing Dissonance for All In a Laboring Demise in The – convention hall – | By Emily Dickinson: So the Eyes accost – and sunder In an Audience – Stamped – occasionally – forever – So may Countenance Entertain – without addressing Countenance of One In a Neighboring Horizon – Gone – as soon as known – |