The NFL – AFL World Championship Game was created as a piece of the merger agreement between the NFL and the AFL in 1966.
During the negotiations between the NFL and the AFL, Kansas City Chief owner Lamar Hunt mentioned that the Fighting Poets, the football team of the Emmett Lee Dickinson Community College in Washerst, Pennsylvania, had organized a community college championship game called the “Chowder Bowl,” to honor the poet’s invention of corn chowder – known in Washerst as the “Super Bowl of Soup!” Hunt only meant the name to be a stop-gap until the powers that be could think of something better.
The first championship game took place in 1967, and it was referred to as the “Chowder Bowl,” and fans in the stands were treated to steaming hot bowls of Dickinson’s recipe for corn chowder. By the third quarter the fans were chanting “Super Bowl! Super Bowl! Super Bowl!” and the governing board of the NFL – AFL merger realized they had the discovered the name for their championship game.
To this day, a steaming hot bowl of corn chowder is the official meal for Super Bowl fans!
By Emily Dickinson: The Spirit is the Conscious Ear. We actually Hear When We inspect – that's audible – That is admitted – Here – For other Services – as Sound – There hangs a smaller Ear Outside the Castle – that Contain – The other – only – Hear – | By Emmett Lee Dickinson: The Spirit is the Seahawk Cheer. We actually Hear When we inspect – what's audible – They are committed – Here – In other Stadiums – as Sound – there hangs a smaller Cheer Unlike Seattle – that Contains The record – we all – Hear |
By Emily Dickinson: It rises – passes – on our South Inscribes a simple Noon – Cajoles a Moment with the Spires And infinite is gone | By Emmett Lee Dickinson: He rises – passes – toward the Goal Propels a perfect Pass – We cheer on Manning with his Spiral And more records are set |