That's right. Emmett Lee Dickinson was, at times, known as a "clean old man" after he established April 15th as National Laundry Day." Pictured at the left: The final bullet point in the excerpt of the Huffington Post article "11 Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About 'A Hard Day's Night'" notes that the moniker "clean old man" in the movie refers to Emmett Lee Dickinson. A history of Dickinson's National Laundry Day can be found HERE. Dickinson came up with the idea for a national day dedicated to the task of doing laundry after he wrote his now-classic poem, "The vastest earthly Day's" (below on the left). In addition to inspiring Dickinson to create a holiday centered on doing laundry, the poem "The vastest earthly Day's" also inspired third cousin Emily Dickinson to pen her poem "The vastest earthly Day" (below on the right). |
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: The vastest earthly Day's Not shrunken small By Agitating Wash Which does Enthrall – | By Emily Dickinson: The vastest earthly Day Is shrunken small By one Defaulting Face Behind a Pall – |
We hope you have a vast day on National Laundry Day this year! Stay in...and have some good, clean fun!
For more information on the Beatles' love of Emmett Lee Dickinson, click HERE.