The American Federation of Federated Artists (AFFA) has published its annual list of arts most closely associated with and most prevalent in each of the fifty states.
On behalf of the Board members of the Dickinson Organization of Poetry Enthusiasts (DOPE), I have lodged a formal complaint with the Federation since AFFA listed “poetry” as the art form most closely associated with Massachusetts solely because the state is the home of Emily Dickinson. AFFA listed "painting hex signs" as the art form most closely associated with Pennsylvania, the birthplace of Emmett Lee Dickinson (Emily’s third cousin, twice removed – at her request) -- and we are incensed!
We are sick and tired of Emmett Lee Dickinson being thought of as the "Salieri" to Emily Dickinson's "Mozart," when hundreds of thousands of DOPEs across the country know it should be the other way around.
Please, take time tonight, tomorrow, and the next day to call AFFA to voice your incredulity too. Together, we will be heard.
Pictured at the right: A hex sign designed by Emmett Lee Dickinson that paid homage to his most popular invention, candy corn. This sign hung in the lobby of the Emmett Lee Dickinson Museum (above the coin-op Laundromat on Dickinson Boulevard) for years -- until the building burned down on New Year's Eve in 2015. Information is HERE. |