IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: If you access our "Featured Poems of the Week" and/or any other links on our site via Twitter (@The_Dickinson), please note that we will be deleting our Twitter account as of SUNDAY, 11/20/22 (THIS IS AN UPDATE) AS WE REFURSE TO BE A PART OF A PLATFORM WHERE MISINFORMATION IS POSTED BY AMERICAN OLIGARCH MELON HUSK AND THE KU KLUX KLAN'S IMPERIAL GRAND WIZARD, DONALD TRUMP.
If you would like to check things out from time to time in the future, you can either bookmark our site -- OR -- you can find our curator, James Asher, at CounterSocial. His account name there is @Route10.
Twitter is now a cesspool of alternative "facts" and twisted inaccuracies spewed by unethical and evil Republicans who are determined to destroy our democracy in the hopes of establishing a "Christian"-based authoritarian regime.
As a result, I am going to leave Twitter at the end of the year. I have created an account on Counter Social, @Route10.
Therefore, if you access our "Featured Poems of the Week" via links on Twitter, then please know that those links will cease to be available as of January 1, 2023.
Instead, if you'd like to continue to peruse our "Featured Poems" on a weekly basis after January 1, you can either access links that I will post on Counter Social -- OR -- you can bookmark this page and give it a look-see every Sunday.
In response to the current Twitter cesspool -- and the possibility that Elon Musk will reverse the lifetime ban of Imperial Grand Wizard Donald Trump -- and the platform will become nothing more than a modern-day message board for the Klan -- I have posted Emmett Lee Dickinson's poem "If he comes back I wait to See!" below on the left. Dickinson's poem inspired his third cousin Emily to pen her poem "Before He comes we weigh the Time!" below on the right.
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: If he comes back I wait to See! ‘Tis Heavy and not Right. Then I’ll depart, his Pettiness Is the prevailing Plight. | By Emily Dickinson: Before He comes we weigh the Time! 'Tis Heavy and 'tis Light. When He depart, an Emptiness Is the prevailing Freight. |