However, shortly after Al Gore invented cable television, the TPMGA's days were numbered, for test patterns would no longer be needed. Some historians speculate that Gore invented cable TV solely to bring down the TPMGA because the Guild repudiated his grandfather Farnsworth Gore's claim that he had invented the test pattern.
Al Gore did not stop with cable televsion though. He also invented the Internet, satelite TV, Power Point, wikis, service oriented architecture (SOA), mouse pads, killer robots and more. As a result, we now live in an age of internet and information addiction, overuse of internet gaming and gambling, and other new mental disorders.
Why all this talk of Al Gore and the new-fangled, worrisome psychological problems of the 21st century? Because on May 26th I posted my first PLOG (Poetry Log) entry on this site and said, "Yep. Coming soon. My log about poetry -- usually about the poetry of Emily Dickinson and Emmett Lee Dickinson (Emily's third cousin, twice removed -- at her request). But also about the poetry of others too. We'll see! Be sure to check back later!"
Well, here it is one month later, and I haven't written a single other post. With the hectic pace of my day job combined with running the Emmett Lee Dickinson Museum (above the coin-op Laundromat on Dickinson Boulevard in Washerst, PA) and all of my twittering, tweeting, tumbling, instagraming, and more, I just couldn't get to it (hey, it's my PLOG and I'll cry if I want to). I just didn't have the time to fulfill my promise of a PLOG "coming soon." Until now.
Why now? I've started a blog on Tumblr for my day job, and by co-winkadink, I have a couple of entries there about the poetry of Emily Dickinson, so I thought I would link to those posts here. I am blogging there about my "Top Ten References to Time by Emily Dickinson." You can read about #10 by clicking HERE and about #9 by clicking HERE. I'll post #8 to #1 in the coming days. [NOTE: Update as of 3/15/20: I no longer use my Tumblr site -- and the links here no long work.] :-(
So "Coming Soon" has finally transformed to "Now." As E. E. Cummings once said, "ours is the now and here of
freedom. Come." So come to my PLOG and be free!
Oh, and by the way, Al Gore also invented Spanks.