"The forest was shrinking, but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them."
It made me think of our so-called president & his forest of Ku Klux Kult covidiots.
Of course, Trump is now infected with the Trump Virus, and he is currently at Walter Reed Hospital -- seems that his Karma ran over his Dogma. Trump's infection seems to have come from one of his super spreader events -- possibly the one in the White House Rose Garden where he nominated Amy Coney Barrett to the US Supreme Court -- and to be honest, his illness is nothing more than a metaphor reflecting America's infection with Trumpism. We have a chance, though, on November 3rd to begin healing if enough sane people in the right combination of states vote for Biden/Harris.
Trump's Ku Klux Kult is like a bunch of chickens campaigning for Colonel Sanders. Those chickens need to be more like the Chick-Fil-A cows. Those cows get what's going on. But -- even with bounties on US troops, fraudulent taxes, incompetence in handling the COVID pandemic, and so much more -- Trump's Klan/Kult continue to support him. It's truly incredible. I cannot understand at all how and why ANYONE would continue to support Trump. |
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: Allured by Bovine! What a Cow! Wherever Cattle be, Thou needest by the Universe, With praise we lavish thee! | By Emily Dickinson: Immured in Heaven! What a Cell! Let every Bondage be, Thou sweetest of the Universe, Like that which ravished thee! |