Well, as a child, he lived near Emily Dickinson, and in 1930 he published a biography of the poet called “Emily Dickinson, Friend and Neighbor.”
I don’t know much more than that, and I found very little about him on the Internet (not even a Wikipedia article, LOL).
Jenkins was a writer, and he authored about 8 books – titles can be found HERE. He also published a number of stories “The Atlantic.” Info related to that is linked HERE. On my recent trip out west, I downloaded Jenkin’s book about Dickinson on my phone, and I read it on my flight back from Denver. To access the book, click HERE. As you know, the first volumes of Dickinson’s poetry were published posthumously in the 1890s, and the image of Dickinson that was emerging in the early 1900s was not completely accurate (there was a feud – and later a court case – going on between different factions of the family, one side headed by Austin Dickinson’s lover, Mabel Loomis Todd and her daughter, and the other side comprised of Emily’s sister Lavinia, her sister-in-law Susan, and Susan’s daughter Martha). |
More on Jenkins’ book tomorrow! (UPDATE: FOR PART 2, CLICK HERE.)