We often hear from Dickinson fans (Emmett Lee Dickinson fans, that is), and today was no exception.
With the launch of our prodcast “TWICC: This Week in Candy Cornness" (HERE), we heard from many sufferers of CCAD (Candy Corn Affective Disorder) and CCD (Candy Corn Depression). One message was particularly poignant:
“I have to admit,” said a reader who asked that we not divulge his name, “I am so tired of losing.”
“Yes,” he wrote, “many people joke about Trump’s hollow boast that we’d all grow tired of winning, but I’m am exhausted by all that we’re losing. We are losing respect. We are losing our character. We are losing our values and our freedoms. We are losing our regard for a free press, and we are losing our integrity. And then your ‘prodcast’ came along, and as a lover of candy corn, I have to say that your commentary gave me a glimmer of hope.”
“All too often,” he continued “the biggest risk candy corn enthusiasts face is not the baying mob, but the loneliness and isolation of ostracism from loved ones. It is stigma and rejection that causes so many candy corn lovers to conceal their hunger, their passion, for candy corn.”
“However,” he said, “your prodcast now shines a spotlight on the contested status of candy corn lovers. With the advice and guidance you provided, there is actual hope that at some future time we will no longer be marginalized.”