Well, in Emmett Lee Dickinson's poem "If all the gifts I am to see" (below on the left), it has both. Dickinson's poem inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem "If all the griefs I am to have" (below on the right) -- and as in Emmett Lee's poem, she used a hard G with "griefs" in line 1 and a soft G with "joys" in line 5. How clever was that? : )
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: If all the gifs* I am to see Would only post today, I’d be so happy I believe I’d laugh and pass the day. If all the gifs** I am to post Would come to me today, A viral post so big as this Is all that I can pray *Hard “G” gif (as in “griefs”) **Soft “G” gif (as in “joys”) | By Emily Dickinson: If all the griefs I am to have Would only come today, I am so happy I believe They'd laugh and run away. If all the joys I am to have Would only come today, They could not be so big as this That happens to me now. |