We were so disgusted with Donald Trump's recent distressing and disheartening speech and press conference on the spread of COVID-19 that we posted Emmett Lee Dickinson's "Lie -- lie -- and as he lies" (below on the left) as one of our Featured Poems for the week of March 15, 2020. Dickinson's poem reflects all of Trump's lies and his now telling and disgraceful line, "I don't take responsibility at all." His poem also inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem "Fly -- fly -- but as you fly" (below on the right).
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: Lie – lie – and as he lies – Remember – the seconds pass us by – The Seconds inching toward the Pandemic The Pandemic in growing Intensity With no Responsibility He claims as the little Seconds flee – Oh it’s a frightening day – | By Emily Dickinson: Fly – fly – but as you fly – Remember – the second pass you by – The Second is pursuing the Century The Century is chasing Eternity – Ah the Responsibility – No wonder that the little Second flee – Out of its frightened way – |
We’ve been in contact with doctors in Seattle. This is what they are saying:
“This is a disaster.”
“You should seriously have food for 2-3 weeks for quarantine.”
“We are preparing for Italy here. It is truly terrifying.”
“Still virtually zero testing.”
Stay calm, everyone. We're sure it will all go away.
When NBC's Kelly O'Donnell said, “This has been urgent for me right from the beginning," and she admonished him for sending mixed messages, he became very condescending. "Just relax," he hissed.
As everything in our country shuts down in attempt to "flatten the curve," I wonder how many people are relaxed?
Trump’s lack of leadership and dereliction of duty is reflected in Emmett Lee Dickinson's poem "His voice decrepit with no Joy" (below on the left). Dickinson's poem inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem "His voice decrepit with Joy" (below on the right).
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: His voice decrepit with no Joy – His words did totter so He told the News our Love must be To treat him Tenderly He spewed a moment and was Glib – With a new Lie of Woe – And Terror – that do consecrate This loathsome interview – | By Emily Dickinson: His voice decrepit was with Joy – Her words did totter so How old the News of Love must be To make Lips elderly That purled a moment since with Glee – Is it Delight or Woe – Or Terror – that do decorate This livid interview – |
"We really need you all to lean into and prioritize the health and safety of the American people," Adams said at a briefing with Vice President Pence and other members of the White House's coronavirus task force.
When will one of Trump's sicko-phants speak up to say, "Enough!" When will one of them say that Trump needs to lean into and prioritize the truth?
It will never happen. Once could say, "We're all Trumped."