Did you know the Jim Asher, the world's leading authority on Emmett Lee Dickinson (Emily Dickinson's third cousin, twice removed -- at her request) is also a musician? He is credited with writing the Christmas song with the longest title: "Because Nothing Else Says 'Merry Christmas' Like a Light-up Giant Twelve-Foot Vinyl Blow-Up Santa In Your Yard." You can listen below:
Asher said that the inspiration for the song was Emmett Lee Dickinson's now-classic poem "My Santa rose to such a height" (below on the left). Dickinson's poem also inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem "Her spirit rose to such a height" (below on the right).
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: My Santa rose to such a height His countenance I did inflate Like one that fed on awe With others to assault the lawn That merit an ephemeral cheer Till stored until next year. | By Emily Dickinson: Her spirit rose to such a height Her countenance it did inflate Like one that fed on awe. More prudent to assault the dawn Than merit the ethereal scorn That effervesced from her. |