What the hell is wrong with these people? I repeat: What the hell is wrong with these people?
The entire controversy of having to wear a mask calls to mind Emmett Lee Dickinson's visionary poem from 1853, "The morons are meaner than they were" (below on the left). Dickinson's poem inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem "The morns are meeker than they were" (below on the right).
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: The morons are meaner than they were – The nuts are getting ’round – The Karen’s shriek is sharper – The Beckys do astound – The MAGAts scoff at PPE – But don their scarlet crown* – Lest I sh'd be so fashioned I'll put a face mask on. *MAGA Hat | By Emily Dickinson: The morns are meeker than they were – The nuts are getting brown – The berry's cheek is plumper – The Rose is out of town – The maple wears a gayer scarf – The field a scarlet gown – Lest I sh'd be old fashioned I'll put a trinket on. |