Did you know that were it not for Emmett Lee Dickinson (Emily Dickinson's third cousin, twice removed -- at her request), there would be no "Star Wars" saga? Information is HERE (scroll down to the entry dated May 5) and HERE (scroll down to the entry dated October 4).
George Lucas, who attended the Emmett Lee Dickinson School for Boys in Los Angeles, said that his original concept for "Star Wars" was to be called "Poetry Wars," a saga about the volatile relationship between third cousins Emmett Lee and Emily Dickinson.
The character known today as "Darth Vader" was originally conceived as Emmett Lee Dickinson (who always wore black in his later years), and "Princess Leia" was Emily Dickinson (who always wore white).
The tagline for the movie was to be "METAPHORS BE WITH YOU!"
Lucas also said that his favorite poem by Dickinson was "'Obi-Wan?' I do now need you" (below on the left). Dickinson's poem inspired third-cousin Emily to pen her poem "'Unto me?' I do not know you" (below on the right).
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: “Obi-Wan?” I do now need you – Where may be your House? “I am Leia – Late of Polis Massa – Now – of Alderaan” – X-Wings – have you to convey me? This is far, far Away – “Arms I need – omniscient Jedi – Trust in the Force” – I’ve been spotted – “I need Help” – I am small – “At Least Be esteemed in the Force to help Me -- You’re my only Hope” – | By Emily Dickinson: "Unto Me?" I do not know you – Where may be your House? "I am Jesus – Late of Judea – Now – of Paradise" – Wagons – have you – to convey me? This is far from Thence – "Arms of Mine – sufficient Phaeton – Trust Omnipotence" – I am spotted – "I am Pardon" – I am small – "The Least Is esteemed in Heaven the Chiefest – Occupy my House" – |