Typically, when a house is infested with roaches, the vermin scramble for cover when someone flicks on a light. That is not the case with Trump's clan. His bigoted roaches don't hide at all. Instead, they are all emboldened to march brazenly into the light to bask in his orange glow.
When they gather across from the White House tomorrow to pay their respects to Trump, and as Charlottesville marks the one year anniversary of a weekend of terror last year brought on by the very same clan, I can't help but call to mind Trump's appalling acknowledgement of the "very fine people" who now light the conservative Reich's Thousand-Points-of-Light with tiki torches as they spew racist remarks.
I've also thought about Trump's outrageous claim, "I only surround myself with the best people." That statement is as empty and laughable as Melania's program to end cyber-bullying. However, Trump does view these neo-Nazis as the best people because they are willing to do the grunt work that supports his vision.
Still another ludicrous declaration from Trump: "I am a great unifier." I suspect even the members of his clan realize that that utterance is purely the false rhetoric of a con artist who preys upon the poorly educated.
And then there was the appalling announcement last year that blame for his clan's violence in Charlottesville rested on "both sides."
That absurd statement called to mind Emmett Lee Dickinson's poem "Had this one Day not been" (below on the left). Though I am sure Dickinson's poem would never inspire Trump to renounce white supremacists, the poem did inspire Dickinson's third cousin Emily to pen her poem with the same opening line (below on the right).
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: Had this one Day not been Oh could it cease to be – How awful, how unscrupulous Their violence marked the Day! Blest Love they value less With Hate they value more As they promote White Privilege, A message we deplore. | By Emily Dickinson: Had this one Day not been Or could is cease to be – How smitten, how superfluous, Were every other Day! Lest Love should value less What Loss would value more Had it the stricken privilege, It cherishes before. |
As Trump's white clan emerge from their parents' basements and gather in Washington, DC, to pay homage to their orange leader, men and women in blue have gathered in Charlottesville to prevent any possible repeat of last year's violence on the anniversary of Trump's clan's neo-Nazi march and rally.
I happened to be in Charlottesville today, so I took plenty of pictures (below). There were a moderate amount of people on the city's downtown pedestrian mall, and the mood was quiet, calm and somber. The atmosphere was certainly more than a bit surreal due to the heavy presence of police, and all that has happend can be traced directly back to Donald Trump. However, the legacy -- the jarring police presence, the specter of last year's violence, the memorial for Heather -- belongs to every single person who voted for and/or still supports the Donald.
Below: Approaching the Downtown Mall. | Below: Scenes around the Downtown Mall. |
Below: Scenes near the memorial. | Below: Signs around town. |
Below: Police presence on the mall. | Below: As near as I could get to Market Street Park. |