We will write about the March for Science soon (watch for "Pause for a Moment of Science - Part 2), but for now, we have posted pictures below from last Saturday's march.
Below left: Many DOPE members met the night before to purchase subway tickets into town for Saturday's march.
Below right: Some of the posters DOPE members created for the march.
Below left and right: The crowd gathered on the grounds of the Washington Monument.
Below left and right: Just a few of the many faces and signs in the March for Science.
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Below left and right: Two members of DOPE pose at the Environmental Protection Agency. The small sign on the door at the right says "This Entrance Is Closed" because Trump has vowed to shut down the EPA one door at a time.
Below: Security officials took every precaution to make sure that the march was safe. All participants had to file through a security tent in order to enter the grounds of the Washington Monument, and signs were posted everywhere so that marchers would know that it was against the law to flip over trucks.
Below: By 2:00 p.m., everyone had gathered near the intersection of 15th & Constitution to begin the march.
One of the chants:
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!
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Below: At 2:00 p.m., thousands of marchers made their way down Constitution Avenue from 15th Street to 3rd Street.
As one sign said, "I can't believe I have to march for facts!"