I had a good laugh today as the result of an odd connection: I was driving in my car listening to a radio news report about NRA members making death threats against some of the teen survivors of the recent Parkland massacre, and suddenly I remembered that Trump once boasted, “I will be a great unifier.” I’m not quite sure why that particular lie of his popped into my brain at that time, but I just started laughing. I couldn’t stop.
Our country could not be more divided because of Trump and his clan, and in my brain, I kept hearing his voice growl, “I’m going to be a unifier. I’m very much a unifier.” I then remembered a tweet I had seen earlier in the day from a Trump supporter (pictured at the right). It was drenched in hate, and in using Trump’s technique of projection (calling attention to his own negative qualities by denying their existence in himself while attributing them to others), the tweeter revealed quite an intensity and depth to his own hatred. |
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: To burn us by disdaining us Is Hate's consummate Fee – His rage consumes him – Look ahead – For it’s renewing thee. So let us gather – every Day – The Aggregate of Life's Bouquet In Honor and not shame – | By Emily Dickinson: To earn it by disdaining it Is Fame's consummate Fee – He loves what spurns him – Look behind – He is pursuing thee. So let us gather – every Day – The Aggregate of Life's Bouquet Be Honor and not shame – |