One positive bit of news that came out on Friday was that Trump has been banned from Twitter and other social media platforms. As a result, Saturday morning was sooo pleasant. We didn't have to wake up to the twitter rants and lies of an unhinged sociopath.
It was so peaceful and pleasant, in fact, that we took time out from the daily GOP horrors to go for a walk in a nearby wildlife refuge.
In one field we came across hundreds of praying mantis egg sacs, knowns as oothecas.
A praying mantis egg sacks typically hold between 100-200 babies inside. When they hatch some will eat others, some will get picked off by larger predators, and some will just not make it. This leaves about one-fifth of the hatch to roam around forests and flower beds. More information is HERE.
More on praying mantises is HERE.
By Emily Dickinson: It's easy to invent a Life – God does it – every Day – Creation – but the Gambol Of His Authority – It's easy to efface it – The thrifty Deity Could scarce afford Eternity To Spontaneity – The Perished Patterns murmur – But His Perturbless Plan Proceed – inserting Here – a Sun – There – leaving out a Man – |