During the trip Dr. Biden wore a jacket with the word "LOVE" on its back, and it was very likely a reference to Melania Trump's deplorable jacket emblazoned with the message, "I Don't Care, Do U."
Dr. Biden's optimistic jacket and Third Lady Melania's message of apathy called to mind two poems which I have posted before, so I thought I'd post them again -- one poem by Emily Dickinson about LOVE, and one by her third cousin Emmett Lee which addresses Trump's and the GOP's message of hate:
By Emily Dickinson: That Love is all there is, Is all we know of Love; It is enough, the freight should be Proportioned to the groove. | By Emmett Lee Dickinson: That Hate is all they have, And all they have is Hate; It's not okay, that hate should be Just how they make us great. |