Trump's been under fire recently for a variety of tweets. He just can't give it a rest. Then he tweeted this...
First of all, he's a liar -- well beyond the level of the "little white lie" or "stretching the truth" of most other politicians. Trump is more like a pathological liar.
Then what's with the constant name calling, the cyber-bullying, the intimidation, and the abuse of power? I don't think those qualities are even remotely presidential.
Trump's rationalization for his tweets reminded me of Emmett Lee Dickinson's poem "It did not surprise me" (below on the left). Dickinson's poem inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem with the same first line (below on the right).
'm not sure to whom Dickinson was referring in the poem, but the gist of the poem fits Trump to a T.
.By Emmett Lee Dickinson: It did not surprise me – That he said – and thinks – That he will stir opinions With his Tweets and links, Traverse broader markets – Build a wider clan, Appear to be more modern No old fashioned man – But he’s such a Bully – What a liar he One with mental issues Fake reality Were this but a story – Would the book be read? Let’s race to the end and Just resign – instead? | By Emily Dickinson: It did not surprise me – So I said – or thought – She will stir her pinions And the nest forgot, Traverse broader forests – Build in gayer boughs, Breathe in Ear more modern God's old fashioned vows – This was but a Birdling – What and if it be One within my bosom Had departed me? This was but a story – What and if indeed There were just such coffin In the heart – instead? |
I'm not sure if Emmett Lee Dickinson's poem will inspire Trump to do the right thing, but maybe he'll take a cue from his old pal Sarah Palin and just resign?
On a side note, how is Melania's anti-cyber-bullying campaign going?