This will likely come as no surprise at all, but did you know that the biggest flop on Broadway was a musical based on the life of Donald Trump? It was called "How To Fail At Every Business You Try." The show was so bad that it actually closed before it even opened -- ticket sales just did not justify opening the theatre for such a flop!
You see, Donald, even though we're all a part of this cold, corporate setup,
Deep down, under our white skins, there's pure flesh and Aryan blood,
So we're all brothers.
Now one may join the Elks, my friend,
And one may join the Shriners,
And other men may carry cards as members of the Diner's.
Still others wear a golden key or small Greek letter pin.
But I have learned there's one great club
The rest of us are in.
There is a
Brotherhood of Klan
A bigoted Brotherhood of Klan.
A noble tie that binds all hateful hearts and minds
Into one Brotherhood of Klan
Your lifelong membership is free;
Keep agivin' each white man all you can.
Oh, aren't you proud to be in that fraternity?
The great big Brotherhood of Klan!
Of course, just today, Trump proudly trotted out his racists ways in front of the TV cameras at a live press briefing surrounding the Trump virus and the spreading Trumpdemic. He used his infamous sharpie to change "corona" to "Chinese," because he had to stoke the fears of his narrow-minded, uneducated base to give them someone to hate, someone to blame other than himself (especially since he has now admitted that he knew this was a pandemic and he did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to prepare or protect our country).
Donald Trump is such an ugly and vile man, and he cannot keep himself from using ugly and vile language. He uses it to create dissonance, to divide us.
His hateful language calls to mind the short poem by Emmett Lee Dickinson, "The words the racists say" (below on the left). His poem inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem "The words the happy say" (below on the right).
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: The words the racists say Are dreadful dissonance But those from open minds Are beautiful – | By Emily Dickinson: The words the happy say Are paltry melody But those the silent feel Are beautiful – |