It is truly unbelievable how easily Trump and his team lie.
Trump, of course, is caught lying countless times per day. He lies so much that those who catalog his falsehoods can't keep up the unrelenting pace. We wrote about Trump and his constant lies -- and his biggest lie to date -- HERE.
A master liar on Trump's team is Mike Pence. Pence can lie through his teeth without batting an eye.
Kellyanne Conway is perhaps the most awkward liar on the team -- to the point that she'll just stop and admit that she's giving "alternative facts" to cover up the truth.
Jeff Sessions is the clumsy liar on the team, and his embarrassing breaks in memory ("I don't recall." "I don't remember." "I have no recollection.") were on full display yesterday.
All of this lying calls to mind Emmett Lee Dickinson's poem "So proud he was to lie" (below on the left). I doubt this poem would inspire any of Trump or his clan to speak the truth; however, it did inspire third cousin Emily to pen her poem "So proud she was to die" (below on the right).
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: So proud he was to lie Should make him feel ashamed But once he shared it, so full blown To us the liar seemed – So satisfied to go Where most of us would be Humiliated – the Rascal stooped Aligned to Perjury – | By Emily Dickinson: So proud she was to die It made us all ashamed That what we cherished, so unknown To her desire seemed – So satisfied to go Where none of us should be Immediately – that Anguish stooped Almost to Jealousy – |