My wife and I came across a bit of a bright spot the other day, though, when we visited a restored textile mill in Charlottesville, Woolen Mills, which operated from the mid 1850’s until the 1960’s when it closed for good.
The $25 million project houses a new office for WillowTree, a mobile app and web-development design company, as well as the Wool Factory, a mixed-use development area with a restaurant, a wine and coffee shop, and more.
Can you imagine opening a new restaurant or coffee shop in the time of an economy ruined by an incompetent grifter? We certainly wish them the best of luck. They have a beautiful new setting and plenty of indoor and outdoor space for social distancing, so hopefully things will work out and they won't be another entity destroyed by the bumbling incompetence of Donald Trump.
By Emily Dickinson: I could not prove the Years had feet – Yet confident they run Am I, from symptoms that are past And Series that are done – I find my feet have further Goals – I smile upon the Aims That felt so ample – Yesterday – Today's – have vaster claims – I do not doubt the self I was Was competent to me – But something awkward in the fit – Proves that – outgrown – I see – | Below: Miscellaneous shots around Charlottesville's newly renovated Woolen Mills: |
UPDATE: Listening to the local news tonight, I heard that yet another family-owned business in our area is closing its doors -- another casualty brought on by Donald Trump's inept handling of the coronavirus pandemic.