That's right. In 2015, the scales tipped in favor of love, and love won. We weren’t so naive to think that everything throughout the year was lovey-dovey, though. Check out the complete list HERE, and take a look at 2015’s runner-up.
Now it is one year later, we’re about to post 2016’s Words of the Year, and we have but one question to ask: What. The Hell. Happened?
Recently we were reviewing our list of contenders for 2016, and they reflect quite an extraordinary shift away from love. The shift is so dramatic, in fact, we might have to post parental advisories about some of the word choices on our list this year!
Yes, love has been trumped! There has been a year-long assault against love, and heaven only knows – or perhaps hell does – what our 2016 Word of the Year will be!