TWICC: This Week In Candy Cornness: Installment 3 (of 5)
"What's a prodcast," you say? Well, it's like a podcast -- but with no audio. You have to read it. For more information (and to read the first installment), click HERE. Our second installment is HERE.
To press on without reading earlier installments, of our TWICC prodcast click HERE, and then scroll down this page.
Who Are Some Lovers of Candy Corn? | Below |
Two Candy Corn World Records | Below the Lovers of Candy Corn |
An Update on Our Demand for an Apology from Earl James White | Below the World Records |
Although research has gone far to understand the impact of the harassment they receive, it has only recently begun to explain the stigma attached to the love of the autumnal candy.
Fortunately, though, many celebrities have come forward to profess their love of candy corn, and it has helped set the stage for changing the public stigma attached to an affinity for the candy.
Below are some of the brave public figures who have publically acknowledged their passion for the tri-colored confection:
THE OLSEN TWINS "When we were kids on 'Full House,' the production crew would feed us candy corns when we got our lines right, so we got hooked on candy corn at a very young age." | OPRAH WINFREY Did you know that candy corn is a featured item on the buffet at the Golden Corral? I love the buffet at the Golden Corral, and I LOVE the fact that they feature candy corn. I eat plates full! |
MICHELLE OBAMA We couldn’t afford candy corn when I was young, so my father would always make homemade batches of the confection. To this day, I think of home whenever I eat candy corn. | MELANIA TRUMP We couldn’t afford candy corn when I was young, so my father would always make homemade batches of the confection. To this day, I think of home whenever I eat candy corn. |
JULIA LOUIS DREYFUS I grew up in Iowa. My father owned and operated a tilt-a-whirl, and we’d travel the county fair circuit. At the fairs, he’d always eat what I thought was something like fried pickles, but it turned out to be fried candy corn balls. He’d dip them in BBQ sauce, and I remember the first time I tasted one. I was hooked! |
On the very day of White's insensitive tweet, Candace “Candy” Koren, the Chief Global Implementation Identity Consultant and Regional Paradigm Analyst for the World Candy Corn Congress, in Baden-Baden, Germany, called the TWIB.FM headquarters and demanded to speak to Mr. White. She was placed on hold, and she has been on hold ever since.
Ms. Koren has refused to hang up the line, as she is completely determined to remain on hold until Mr. White picks up the phone. She has not been left the office for three weeks. She has not been home. She has not fed her cats Fronnie, Dunbar, Mozelle, Chairman Meow, and Mr. Meowgi. She missed her son's "Back-to-School NIght" for parents at the Emmett Lee Dickinson School for Boys in Baden, Baden. She is100% committed to seeing this through and obtaining an apology from Elon James White (if that is his real name).
Pictured below: An exclusive photo of Candace "Candy" Koren on hold with the corporate headquarters of TWIB.FM in Oakland, California.
Next week we will take a look at the National Candy Corn Addiction Center in historic Washerst, PA, and the American Candy Corn Rehabilitation Center in Ithaca, New York. We also explore the War on National Candy Corn Day -- and more!