Did you see the recent interview with Megyn Kelly and Donald Trump? The ratings, I'm sure, were big -- if not bigly! The two seemed to bury the hatchet after all of Trump's vitriol hurled at the news anchor. "When I'm wounded,” said Trump, “I go after people hard and I try to unwound myself.” This concept of "unwounding" oneself stems from Emmett Lee Dickinson (Emily Dickinson's third cousin, twice removed -- at her request). He had to "unwound" himself, for example, after two requests to be removed. Dickinson also coined the term "unwound" in his poem "The unwounded Heart shows its shallow scar" (below on the left). His poem inspired third cousin Emily to pen her poem "The healed Heart shows its shallow scar (below on the right). Pictured a the left: A behind-the-scenes photo from the Kelly-Trump interview. |
By Emmett Lee Dickinson: The unwounded Heart shows its shallow scar With exponential yawp – Now mended by Brutality And Anger that won’t stop – To go his adolescent way So shameless is to see His malice and more Perfidy Than any Nominee. | By Emily Dickinson: The healed Heart shows its shallow scar With confidential moan – Not mended by Mortality Are Fabrics truly torn – To go its convalescent way So shameless is to see More genuine were Perfidy Than such Fidelity. |